Den Kaldsteikte – out now!

“Den Kaldsteikte” with Mats Edén and Guro Kvifte Nesheim are out now on BandCamp and other digital plattforms!
Guro Kvifte Nesheim and Mats Edén represent two different generations of folkmusicians, but with an astonishing similar attitude to the traditional music as a genre that foremost is about personal expression, joy and love for the music. Mats has played a huge part on the development of the nordic traditional music scene for decades, probably best known through Groupa (whith Jonas Simonsson and Terje Isungset). Guro’s groovy hardanger fiddle playing we know from her own band GKN5 who is also releasing their second album in the autumn of 2020.
This duo is redefining Hardanger fiddle ensemble playing, as they manage to keep the flexibility and formal freedom of the solo tradition; only possible because of their intimate knowledge of both the music and of each other’s ways of exploring musical possibilities. This music is first and foremost playful and spontaneous; as they combine drive, fresh harmonic solutions, and colourful intonation!
Hi-res audio files available at BandCamp!