Doomsday Preppers is back with their second outing “2020”. With ten fresh compositions from all of the members, the band continues to explore an acoustic quartet format. Since their debut album “Helter Shelter” (2018), Doomsday has toured extensively, and the recording contains a particularly fine tuned ensemble. From Bjørgo´s “Øks og Pokal” to Köster’s “Kontrabass Etüde nr. 31”, the band brings together seemingly unlikely sources of inspiration, effortlessly combining 1930’s jazz and Scandinavian indie-jazz, and everything in between. “2020” is an honest album from the band that thought they were prepared.
Track 1, 4 & 10 by Johannes Fosse Solvang, Track 2, 6 & 8 by Richard Köster, Track 5, 7 & 9 by Håkon Norby Bjørgo and Track 3 by Knut Kvifte Nesheim
Doomsday Preppers
Richard Köster - Trumpet Johannes Fosse Solvang - Trombone Håkon Norby Bjørgo - Double bass Knut Kvifte Nesheim - Drums

Knut Kvifte Nesheim
Knut is a Norwegian drummer, vibraphonist and composer from Oslo. He holds a master in composition and improvisation from the University of Gothenburg, and works around in Scandinavia and Europe, mostly in Oslo, Gothenburgh and Copenhagen. Besides his solo career, he also appears lve and on recordings with Mathilde Gross Viddal's FRIENSEMBLET, BENREDDIK, Greta Eacotts (UK) SIX DRUMMER FORMATION, Espera, duo with Ellen Martine Gismervik; also the impro-duos JULIUS (with Martin Tonne) og NUTELA (with Michaela Antalova)(SK), trio with Mia Dyberg and Christian Balvig (DK), as well as his own band band PoC!