BenReddik: Kolibrikamikaze

Kolibrikamikaze is the third album of BenReddiks – long awaited – giving a new glimpse into the unique universe of the band, filled with exciting instrument combinations, Norwegian lyrics, and playful ensemble. An album with five composers, two lyricists, and instruments not frequently found in a jazz band, like the flute, bariton, and melodica!
Hi-res audiofiles at BandCamp!
Siril Malmedal Hauge – vocal and flute
Camilla Hole – saxes
Håkon Hagen Knudsen – saxes and bass clarinet
Magnus Murphy Joelson – trombone
Johannes Fosse Solvang – trombone, bariton and melodica
Morten Berger Stai – double bass
Knut Kvifte Nesheim – drums